10-14 December 2016

Andrés and I were back in Dallas with his family to see his brother, the other Gabriel, also called Chele. He’s the tallest of the brothers, and I could definitely see the resemblance between them. This was my first time meeting Chele, and he was so nice! We only got a day with him before he left for his meditation retreat in India, but it was great to finally meet him. Now I just have Miguel left. I had fun with Andrés, Tati, and their parents over the remaining days. The trip was wonderful up until the morning of the 13th…

Mama called Andrés and asked him to break the news to me that my poor baby, Kaya, had passed away suddenly. A few hours after receiving the news, I pulled my cat totem stone – carved out of black stone – out of my crystal bag to find it had split clean in half. That was a rough day. I powered through, and I buried the totem with Kaya when I got home. I did enjoy seeing downtown Grapevine, the “Christmas Capital of Texas.” Like I said, it was mostly a good trip. Until the next one—–

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